Web Site Client Contact Details Name * Company Address Mobile Number * Email * URL (If Any) Foundation 1. Do you have a domain name ? If yes, please mention the same below. 2. Do you have a Web Host ? If yes, please mention the same below. 3. In case you answered 'NO' for 1st question; what will you name your website? Choice #1 Choice #2 Choice #3 Choice #4 4. What is your budget for development of your website ? 5. Please provide a brief description of your company. Purpose 1. What is the purpose of your website ? Informational Provide Downloadable Information Site Brading & Logo Identity Streamline Official Process Promote Service Promote Products Personal Portfolio Personal Blogging Sell Service Sell Products Others: 2. What will be the nature of your website ? Bussiness to Bussiness Business to Consumer Combination Branding Others: 3. Who will be your target audience ? Consumers / Clients Business Partners General Public Employee / Administrators Others: 4. What company properties would you like to emphasise ? 5. What are the words with which people can associate your company easily ? 6. Do you want your website to be search engine friendly ? Yes No 7. How frequently will you update the website ? Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Half-Yearly Annually Other Time-Frame Others Requirements 1. Please provide us some details about your business. 2. Please give us the complete range of the products / services you provide. 3. Will you provide us all the content to be published on the website i.e. pictures, videos, product information etc.? Yes No 4. Will you provide us the textual content for your website ? Yes No 5. In what form will you provide us the content ? CD / DVD E-Mail Hard Copy Printed Photographs Hand Written A Sitting with Our Personnel 6. What is the expected date/ time frame by which you want your website to go live ? Website Design 1. How do you expect your website to look ? 2. Can you provide us some links to the websites that you desire your website to look like? 3. Can you provide us some links to the websites that you desire your websites should not look like ? 4. Do you want an introductory start-up screen for your website? Yes No 5. Do you have any color combination in mind that you would like to see on your website ? 6. Do you have any color combination in mind that you would hate to see on your website ? 7. Do you have an existing logo ? If not then, do you want us to create one of you ? Yes No No, but you may design a logo for my business 8. Do you have an existing Tag-Line ? If not then, do you want us to create one of you ? Yes No No, but you may design a tag-line for my business 9. Are you interested in pepping up your website with rich media? Flash Animation Streaming Video Streaming Audio Games/Activities 10. Do you want background music for your website ? Yes No 11. Based on below example kindly fill-in the pages required by you :- Home Services Products FAQ's About Us Contact Others : 12. Approximate number of pages? Extra Features 1. Do you want to be able to manage/update the content on your website yourself ? Yes No 2. Select from below list , the additional features for your websites for your website which you think would be beneficial for solving your purpose :- Information/Request From Product Reviews Searchable Database Client Registration /Client Login Chat Function Calendar /Events Customer Survey Customer Forum Presentations Testimonials Static Map Geo Location Image Gallery Online Payments Video Gallery Portfolio Downloads Uploads Article database Blog RSS Feeds Multi-Theme Layout Others : Drawing Board There might be some crucial information which we have missed out mistakenly , so please feel free provide any idea or suggestion that you think will be helpful for creation of your website. General information There are certian points which shall be made clear to you before continuing further , please do read the following carefully : This document is for the purpose of getting thorough details of all requirements of the client . Any information provided by the client in this document will be kept confidential . We may require some other details regarding the project from your side in future ; your kind cooperation is expected . We highly value you as our customer and we would want to do business with you in coming futures. To avoid any sort of confusion or misunderstanding , we would like to confirm that you have completely understood the questionnaire and are confident of all the information filled and/or mentioned in this document . The website will be developed as per the details provided by the client in this document and any change in the requirement thereafter will be chargeable as per the changes required . I confirm that all general information given above : Yes No reCaptcha